
My photo (J.CO).J.CO's drink.cappuccino.chendul.ABC.KamiShukeBeraksi.HATE.jelous.over.nerd.REMPIT.batakk.sakai.backstabber

sowie gilak yepp !

gilak sowie . mira lame gilak ta unn blogger . macam tade mende je yunk brubah . juz me n da pc . pliz , sumone who noes me or a stranger for me please add me . we're one malaysia rite ? if u're in another country , we still canbe friend rite , rite ? hahak , xp . i'm crazy cuz u , man . hahak , about my cat , tam tam , she will have a new baby . she's pregnant rite now ! wohooo . btw , u remember her kittens , kukus n hangus ? hey , u noe they're fatter than u . huhuhu , juz kiddin . see yah later .

cutycuty MALAYSIA

haluu , haluu .

how's goin ? hawt or cool . i think it's warm . haha . oke . today , friday : 10th July 2009 , mira cuty . then , mak mira ajak mira g SHOPPING . woohoo . besh gilak . tap , mira engat kan mak mira nk belikan mira clothes or something . tap , mak mira swue mira accompany kan dea utk beli batik abah mira . mira feel so bengang at dat tyme . plus , mira taa amekk breakfast lark tuw . wut a day , man ! mira shakkup luw kart mak mira yunk mira blom amekk breakfast lag . so , tyme tuw kart KL tao . so , kedai tuw near nan A&W n KFC . mira of course choose KFC . mira amekk breakfast kart situw luw ! haha . mira order SET D ( twister ) . s'shapew yunk mmam kart KFC tuw , order luw shame mcm mira . haha . wuteva luw kart mnew mira mmam . yunk penting mira punyee perott da FULL . burggg . haha . opps , sowie luw . mira tenga tired skunk niy ! niy puwn bwu jee mira unn blogger n myspace mira . umm , kaw uwg yunk da masokk blogger mira , jad luw followers mira . jgn luw bace jee post niy , tap ta jad followers mira , oke . KYTE ENJOY !

new word for today

oke , student .
today , we learn a new word from teacher mira .
we have to share our knowledge to others even a word .
see , i'm teaching u all a word .
oke . this is the longest word in english .
i learn the number 5 of the longest word in english .
who can guest what is it ? come on , don't be shy !
oke . never mind , before that .
u must promise with me , if u already know the word , please i beg u . please teach the others .
the word is ....
( dub dab dub dab dub dab dab ) * ur heart is beating *
the word is supercalifraggilisticexpialadocious .
isn't it long ? haha . is true .
it is so long until inside the dictionary doesn't have .
if u want to know the meaning , find in wikipedia .
remember ur promise with me .
bye , thats all for today for me to become a teacher .
we learn together in every saturday , evening . oke bye ! study hard && study smart . xp

mira sygs sygs luw dea !

kaw uwg yunk di sana tuw , klaw naa tao shapew dea yunk mira sygs sgt tuw , datang luw sini !
yunk first skaliy , parents mira luw ; sabri , zuraidah . kaw uwg lambat lag .
second , shiblings ; eppi , paex , kyla , amoyy ( atyqah ) , lady dyla . kaw uwg lambat lag luw !
third lark , besh friendoss ; alin , inaz , sarah , athira . sket jee lag .
fourth , boy mira ; luqman . sket jee lag luw , sket jee !
fifth , abunk angkat ; abunk nafiy ( boy kaka mira )
sixth , kaw uwg yunk bukn batakk , REMPIT , backstabber , pretend to be hawt , jelous , overdo , nerd && sakaii . please ! if u're in dat group , please stay away from me yepp !
seventh , community dat i involves ; KamiShukeBeraksi . haha , join luw community tuw yepp .
weyy , mira sygs dea uwg sgt s'sgt .
namo uwt life ddea uwg kaco yepp . JANJI tao !
haha , hehe , huhu , hoho . i dun believe dat i love people so much .
umm , talk about dat . animal dat i love lark .
i love cats , rabbits , lions , hamsters && kittens .
lala , lili , lulu , lolo , lele . bhakk , bhakk . xp
dun be too hawt or too cool . umm , juz be warm like me . oke jee ! ENJOY ur day yepp .

Second Day of me n u

haluu , haluu . again i'm mira .
mira ade kucing , name dea TamTam .
dea bwu jee give birth . ( ank dea bwu jee lahir 2 weeks ! haha . )
then , dea ade 3 ank . yunk first tuw , waner grey .
yunk second lark , mcm black n brown .
yunk last punye waner , waner totally DARK black .
OMG , as BLACK as coal .
haha , yunk first MATY bab kaka mira baringg ats dea .
wut a bad day , man .
wut eva . then , ank yunk 3 pee kart my pants .
S**T ! F**K ! B***S**T .
opps , sowie . my bad words come .
again . invite ur friendoss to be my followers ! haha .
nvm , whether u're hawt or ugly , fat or thin , old or young .
we are da same , guys ! so , support me to make my blog become more WARM .

First Day

haluu , haluu .
i'm mira . not hawt && not cool , but warm jee .
come on , be my followers && invite ur others friendoss !
yepp , be warm .